Which Grand Theft Auto 5 Character Are You? (QUIZ)
Which Grand Theft Auto 5 Character Are You? (QUIZ)
Grand Theft Auto 5 and it's barrage of crazy and eccentric character make this a fun quiz to take. You have four possible answers and I'm sure you know what they are so enjoy the wild questions and answer honestly.
Have fun.
Grand Theft Auto 5 and it's barrage of crazy and eccentric character make this a fun quiz to take. You have four possible answers and I'm sure you know what they are so enjoy the wild questions and answer honestly.
Have fun.

Who Said, "I'm rich, I'm miserable, and I'm pretty average in this town"
Do you have more fun in GTAV doing missions online, or trolling everyone in the lobby?
What was your first ever Grand Theft Auto game?
Do you have over a million dollars in GTA V Online?
Do you own a Zentorno?
When looking for ways to make money in GTAV Online do you mess with the stock market?
In the campaign did you kill one of your friends or save them?
Who is your favorite character in GTAV?
Have you been punished and placed in a "Bad Sport" lobby?
What do you have the most fun doing in GTAV Online?
Trevor Phillips is no push over and I feel you are the same way. You might be a little crazy but at the end of the day its all about getting the job done and making mad money.
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Michael De Santa has is eyes set on one thing, money. Michael is very focused and good at what he does. I'm sure you have the same traits of being a "Mans Man" while at the same time making a boat load of money.
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Franklin Clinton is all about making a better life for himself. Being very driven and knowing what he wants in life is what makes you two a perfect match. Get what you want and achieve your goals no matter what in life.
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Lester Crest is a very smart and very parodied person that think "big brother" is always watching. Being weird is his thing but being a mastermind behind pulling off big heist is what makes him the perfect right hand man in any operation.
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