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Six Weird Halloween Traditions Explained

When you think about it, these Halloween activities are actually kind of odd...

Ivana Latte
Created by Ivana Latte
On Oct 22, 2015

Trick or Treating

The idea of sending little kids to knock on stranger's doors and ask for candy doesn't exactly gel with societal norms. This tradition stems back to the Middle Ages when the wealthy would feed the paupers during holidays. But hey, bring on the Snickers!


Carving Pumpkins

No one is exactly sure of the origin of jack-o-lanterns, but it's most likely related to the tradition of carving spooky faces to scare away the bad spirits. Nowadays it's a great reason to decorate your front porch and pretend you're a brain surgeon!


Dressing Up

Originally people dressed to honor the recently deceased. So costumes likes ghosts and vampires totally make sense! Somewhere in the mix someone decided that a sexy baseball player is also honoring the dead...



Arguably the best part of Halloween. Does this really need an explanation? Before the 1950s candy wasn't the go-to handout on Halloween. Instead, think nuts, a little toy, or a cookie. Then people realized that buying packaged, fun-sized candy was way easier, and a wonderful tradition was born!


Haunted Houses

Halloween is all about the dead. What better way to get spooked then wandering through an unfamiliar and ghost-infested house? AHHH!


Bobbing for Apples

This tradition goes back to when the Romans invaded the British, brought apple trees with 'em, and made apples part of Celtic holidays. Now people have realized that it's sort of unsanitary, but really really fun!

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Created by Tal Garner
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