Are You Actually an Elephant Expert?
Are You Actually an Elephant Expert?
September 22 is National Elephant Appreciation Day! How much do you know about these gorgeous gentle giants?
September 22 is National Elephant Appreciation Day! How much do you know about these gorgeous gentle giants?

How long are mama elephants pregnant before they give birth?
Are elephants ACTUALLY the largest land animals on earth?
How do elephants show their affection for each other?
Elephants are hardy animals, but how thick is their skin?
True or False: Elephants favor one tusk over the other, similar to how humans are right or left handed
Can elephants jump?
How do elephants feel about peanuts?
What's the elephant's strongest sense?
Do elephants recognize themselves in the mirror?
What are female elephants called?
Do elephants have predators?
Why do elephants cover themselves in sand?
What do elephants like to eat?
Do elephants get drunk?
What's the tiniest thing an elephant can pick up with it's trunk?
Elephants can symbolize: