The Secret Formula 2
The Secret Formula 2
Heartache + It's Raining, Sweetheart by Sapph = ~Angel~
Heartache + It's Raining, Sweetheart by Sapph = ~Angel~

The first time I saw you, my heart stopped.
This is a lie.
The first time I saw u...
Was never in person.
It was on a chat.
You kept on saying "*pokes you*", I believe
Then I yell at you on a pm
Date: Somewhere in late August
Ivy Soar
Him Himself
Ivy Soar
Because its annoying!
Him Himself
Ivy Soar
Him Himself
So... what's your name?
Heartache cont'd
Then we talked...
For days, weeks, then for months
It's December now...
And now I'm saying
"I love you"
"I could be your yandere"
I long for him...
That one day we will met
But he doesn't feel the same way emotionally...
Not at that level
He is still thinking about her...
She haunts his mind
The only thing I can do is hold his hand and support.
........Am I moving too fast?.......
[Undertale] It's Raining, Sweetheart {Sapph}
youtube embed goes here!
When I heard this, I cried... I still do. Lolz.
What shall I call you?
"My Angel."
Why call you that?
Well... even though you do hurt my feelings...
And you can act so stupid sometimes...
You are definitely NOT perfect
I feel like you were sent from above
God sent you to keep me company...
But you still act so dazed...
Bad Person, Good Love
Him Himself
Him Himself
I'm not a good person for you
Him Himself
I'm not right for anyone
Him Himself
This is wrong
Ivy Soar
But its so right on so many levels
Ivy Soar
I'm sorry... you got yourself into this... mess
Ivy Soar
Now I'm too connected to u... I love you
Him Himself
I love you too... just not at that level.
Him Himself
And don't apologize
Ivy Soar
It's just... I can't help it
Him Himself
I know
~Angel~ cont'd
As I listen to this song
I feel and understand my feelings for you
I hope you do the same..
My Inspiration + Credit
Welp. Goodnight.
How did I do?
How did I do?
Are you intrigued by "Him Himself"?
Are you intrigued by "Him Himself"?