What kind of snake are you?
What kind of snake are you?
what kind of snake is your personality most like?
what kind of snake is your personality most like?
What house would you live in?
What way would you like to fight
What would you prefer for breakfast
what would your favourite toy be?
what sport would you play
What electronic device would you want?
You are fast, cute and highly venomous. You are a sort of tree snake. You only attack if people bother you. You like to eat small lizards.
Inland Taipan
Inland Taipan
You are highly venomous and the most venomous inland snake in the world. Whilst your venom is strong, you seldom attack and tend to prefer to live quietly in burrows and eat mice.
Alaskan Vine Snake
Alaskan Vine Snake
You are very highly venomous, the third most venomous snake in Lucas' snakeland. You are aggressive to most animals but not such a problem to humans
Thread Snake
Thread Snake
You are the smallest of the snakes. You are as big as a coin and like eating insects. You are not harmful to humans and are sometimes kept as a pet.
You are a bit of a threat to humans. You are the only constrictor. Even though you have no venom you are a sea snake. You are one of the few snakes that can breath on land and under water making you very versatile. Your quick speed under water is helpful.