Which Avatar Nation Would You Be From?
Which Avatar Nation Would You Be From?
Water, Earth, Fire, Air. The world of 'Avatar' contains people with extraordinary abilities that enable them to control the ancient elements. These nations - The Earth Kingdom, The Water Tribes, The Fire Nation and the Air Nomads - have existed for thousands of years. This quiz will tell you where you would live in the world of 'Avatar.'
Water, Earth, Fire, Air. The world of 'Avatar' contains people with extraordinary abilities that enable them to control the ancient elements. These nations - The Earth Kingdom, The Water Tribes, The Fire Nation and the Air Nomads - have existed for thousands of years. This quiz will tell you where you would live in the world of 'Avatar.'

What is your fighting style?
What word best describes your fashion style?
What gives you the most inspiration?
What weather do you prefer?
Pick a Game of Thrones character.
What is the best topping for a pizza?
What is your favourite colour?
What is most important to you?
If you could bend, what would you use it for?
What specialised bending practise would you most want to possess?
What is the scariest thing in the Avatar Universe?
Fire Nation
Fire Nation
As a resident of the Fire Nation you are a fierce, and persevering spirit. You have ambition and possess a dangerous power that can sometimes be hard to control. You keep yourself to yourself more than most but those you are close to are what's most important. Your Animal Guide is that of a Dragon.
Air Nomad
Air Nomad
As a member of the Air Nomads you are a gentle, caring soul. You take care of all life and appreciate the beauty and balance of nature. Although you are capable of immense power you refrain from ever using it for violence, peace is always the best option. Your care for others is what drives you. Your Animal Guide is a Flying Bison.
Earth Kingdom
Earth Kingdom
As a citizen of the Earth Kingdom, you are a brutish and energetic force. Always keeping a tough exterior it is sometimes hard to find lots of friends but you don't really mind. You use your strength to pursue your goals and keep an exciting life. Your Animal Guide is a Badger Mole.
Water Tribe
Water Tribe
As someone from the Water Tribes, you are a loving and charismatic person. You have a loyalty to family above all else and always want to keep people safe. Your energy is calm and serene and you often make good friends with many people. Your Animal Guide is a Polar Bear Dog.