What Doughnut are you?
What Doughnut are you?
By finding out general information about your personality we're confident we can deduce what type of doughnut you'd be in another life.
By finding out general information about your personality we're confident we can deduce what type of doughnut you'd be in another life.
Which parent do you prefer?
How long does it take you to tie your shoe lace?
Have you ever penetrated doughnut?
Who is your favorite friends character?
Do you have diabetes?
What type of driver are you?
If you could spend this 4 minutes of your life again how would you do it?
How do you wind down after a long, hard day.
My perfect weekend would be spent ...
What is your most desirable feature?
Chocolate doughnut with pink sprinkles
Chocolate doughnut with pink sprinkles
You are the bees knees, and possibly might be the finest doughnut out there. Your political views are questionable and you might beat your significant other, but you don't care you have pink sprinkles. Congrats!!
Jam Doughnut
Jam Doughnut
Your relationship with your father suggests you may be a jam doughnut. You're a standard (insert gender) you're alright financially, have a few good mates and your favorite colour is probably beige. But don't get me wrong if there's no chocolate with sprinkles you're second in command
Custard Dougnut
Custard Dougnut
People either love you or hate you. But you don't care you're a custard doughnut. Decades of rivalry with your nemesis jam has led you to be a cold, calculated uncompromising person, who doesn't care what they have to do in order to succeed in life.
You're a plane doughnut, at best glazed, umm nice one I guess? You probs listen to chart music, are single, the opposite sex don't find you attractive or repulsive and are probably stuck in the friendzone. You look on at other doughnuts with envy, jealous of their personality traits, which probably explains your trust issues and overwhelming sense of self consciousness.
Your not a Doughnut
Your not a Doughnut
You're not a doughnut, your a bagel. You have probably been rejected from everything you know, and that's not going to stop here. Your dry personality isn't complemented by any of the other doughnut features.. You're a social outcast and you always have been, you're probs the type of person to get a stretcher earring, drink monster and claim you're gender fluid. Isolated. Alone. Good Riddance.
Maple Doughnut
Maple Doughnut
Are you even loved? Do you clap when the plane lands? Congratulations (not so much) you're a Maple Doughnut, what even are you? From a young age you have always been everybody's least favorite doughnut. If you were a human you'd be Adolf Hitler you despicable turd.