What Type Of Learner Are You?
What Type Of Learner Are You?
Finals are around the corner. Instead of pulling all-nighters, take this quiz to find out what type of learner you are and receive tips to make the most of your study time.
Finals are around the corner. Instead of pulling all-nighters, take this quiz to find out what type of learner you are and receive tips to make the most of your study time.

Visual Learner
Visual Learner
You may be a visual learner if you typically sit in the front of the class and take detailed notes. You also love diagrams and charts.. When you are studying, you like to be alone in a quiet area where you can think clearly. This is because you think in pictures to try and understand processes.
Study Tip: Use color codes to organize your notes and highlight important words or phrases. Also, draw your own diagrams or charts to help visualize dry information.
Auditory Learner
Auditory Learner
You like going to lectures where the professor talks for fifty minutes straight. After class, you like to return to the comfort of your dorm room to recite your notes aloud. You prefer to hear information rather than read it in a book. Finally, you think linearly, meaning you understand information in steps or logical order.
Study Tip: Record and listen to lectures then repeat facts aloud. (If you don’t want to talk to yourself, find someone to study with and tell them!) Word association can also be helpful to memorize facts and data.
Experiential Learner
Experiential Learner
You learn by doing things and like the hands-on approach. You have a short attention span, take study breaks often and become antsy sitting still in class. You learn the best by applying distant theories to real-life problems or situations.
Study Tip: Study a little bit every other day. Take a field trip to a museum that relates to your class. Finally, study with a group and play memory games.
Read/Write Learner
Read/Write Learner
You are a traditional learner. You read every assignment and take notes before going to class. You also take notes rigorously in class, then look over them to review for tests. You like to study alone and in a quiet area where you can focus.
Study Tip: Continue to read and write notes. Write out information and facts illustrated in diagrams or graphs.