We Can Guess Whom You’ll Marry Based On A Song You Choose
We Can Guess Whom You’ll Marry Based On A Song You Choose
Your future husband is just a song choice away.
Your future husband is just a song choice away.

Choose a song:
The Businessman
The Businessman
Your future husband is all about TCB: taking care of business. When he puts on a suit in the morning, he is ready to take on whatever challenges the day throws at him. Hold his calls! He' working through lunch. He might not make it home in time for dinner, but don't forget, he does it all for you.
The Frat Guy
The Frat Guy
Your future husband is a bit like Peter Pan. He refuses to grow up! Foosball anyone? Who's up for some beer pong? When he's playing sports or hanging out with his bros, he has the mind of a child, but when he's with you? He's all man, baby, and don't you forget it.
The Poet
The Poet
Your future husband will be a lover, not a fighter. He will brood. He'll get lost in his own thoughts for days on end. He'll write poetry for you. How may he compare thee to a summer's day? Let him count the ways. Just remember that his poet's heart beats true, and it beats only for you.
The Hipster
The Hipster
Your future husband will be hipper than thou. He'll be on the cutting edge of what's in and what's cool. Artisanal pickle shots! Sculpted facial hair! He's got his finger on the pulse. You might not always be able to keep up, but he doesn't mind. He thinks you're the what's always in and cool.
Your future husband will be a Sensitive New Age Guy. He will live his life according to a philosophy of peace, love and understanding. Yoga! Vegan lasagna! Meditation! In depth horoscope readings! As sure as the stars steer the sky, he will always be as in tune with your feelings as he is with his own.
The Funny Guy
The Funny Guy
Your future husband will do anything for a laugh. Prat falls! Dad jokes! Silly voices! Non-stop puns! Punchlines! He could turn any frown upside down. It might seem like he's never serious, but he's always serious about you, and he'll do anything to make you laugh.