Which Car Should You Drive Based On Your Temperament?

Are you in the right vehicle?

Jack Jersey
Created by Jack Jersey
On Apr 14, 2016

What does your chore list look like this weekend?

What kind of student were you?

Describe your sense of humor in one word.

What kind of music makes you want to dance?

Are you the kind of person who looks ahead to the future or behind at the past?

How is your diet?

How wild are your friends?

How is your multitasking game?

How exciting are your vacations?

How do you feel about surprises?

Sports Car

Sports Car

You are not easily amused, but you are easily bored. You need a car that is going to keep you entertained while you get from point A to point B. If you can't get a sports car...at least get a manual transmission so you can clutch, shift, and release your way from 0 to 60.

Luxury Sedan

Luxury Sedan

You are actually quite practical and pragmatic, which is why, when it comes to your car, it just makes sense to drive the most comfortable car possible. Don't let anyone tell you you're spoiled. You are just doing what's best for you and your unique temperament.

Pick Up Truck

Pick Up Truck

You are hardworking, fun loving, and down-to-earth. You need a lot of space to haul all that earth around. You could go big or small...but small isn't really your style, is it? If you insist on a car, maybe go for an old school El Camino as compromise.



You are a go-getter and a busy bee. You like to get things done. The only thing you enjoy more than crossing something off your To Do list is putting something new on it. Get more stuff done with a vehicle designed to be utilized. It's right in the name!

Smart Car

Smart Car

You are very smart, and you know it. You care more about the best way to do something than what other people are doing. You choose substance over style. You don't need to run with the crowd when you can ride in your own futuristic car that is even easier to gas up than it is to park.

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On Nov 18, 2021