Which Hogwarts Ghost Are You?
Which Hogwarts Ghost Are You?
Which unearthly specter of Wizarding World best matches your personality? Hey, ghosts are people too. At least they used to be.
Which unearthly specter of Wizarding World best matches your personality? Hey, ghosts are people too. At least they used to be.

How far back can you trace your family roots?
Do you fall in love easily?
What do you see in this picture?
Do you like to be the center of attention at dinner parties?
Where would this hat sort you?
Do you hide or seek?
Do people feel comfortable around you?
Are you popular?
What kind of person do you see when you look in the mirror?
Do you push people away?
Nearly Headless Nick
Nearly Headless Nick
Like good ol' Nearly, you are friendly, flirty and always the life of the party...technically alive or not! You are a bit of an outlier and don't always fit in, though. You just know the other headless ghosts would let you play headless games if it weren't for a half an inch of skin and sinew! Even still, amongst the living, you very popular indeed!
The Bloody Baron
The Bloody Baron
Like old Bloody, you are bold, mysterious and maybe a bit dangerous. You command respect from all who quake in your path. You've got a bit of a temper, but when you unleash it, you always feel very, very sorry afterwards.
The Grey Lady
The Grey Lady
Like The Grey La...oops...I mean Helena, you are both haunted and haunting, but also charming and sometimes impulsive. You might make a mistake from time to time, but you are a fierce defender of what is right. You can be depended on to keep a secret. Until you can't.
The Fat Friar
The Fat Friar
You? Fat? No! But like our dear departed fat one, you are congenial, forgiving and always up for a party. You always get the first laugh, and the last laugh, and all the ones in the middle...even if some of them are on you. You're not all fun and games, though. You're more intelligent than you let on but are more interested in passing on your knowledge than showing off with it.
Moaning Myrtle
Moaning Myrtle
Like Moaning, you are a bit fragile, sensitive...you've even been called Emo. You don't mind what people call you as long as they don't call you names, but if they do...you'll get revenge that is swift and sweet. Once people get past your brooding, they'll find you're a pretty great friend and incredibly helpful at times. You hate snakes.