Which Parenting Style Did Your Parents Use When They Raised You?
Which Parenting Style Did Your Parents Use When They Raised You?
It may surprise you to know that your parents actually put some effort into making you a contributing member of society. And yet, here you are, wasting time taking quizzes on the Internet. Oh well, at least they tried. I guess you might as well take this quiz and find out what your parents were attempting to do when they raised you.
It may surprise you to know that your parents actually put some effort into making you a contributing member of society. And yet, here you are, wasting time taking quizzes on the Internet. Oh well, at least they tried. I guess you might as well take this quiz and find out what your parents were attempting to do when they raised you.
How did they handle your potty training?
How did your parents dress you?
How did they take care of you when you got a cold?
What was their policy on screen time?
What was their idea of a fun family outing?
What do your family photos look like?
Did they have any cute nicknames for you?
Did they play favorites?
Did they have a good sense of humor?
Do you know what this is without Googling it?
Attachment Parenting
Attachment Parenting
You still have the organic cotton marks on your thighs from their baby-wearing phase (it only lasted about 5 years). You breastfed until you were old enough to say, "stop hugging the covers, Mom." You were given what you wanted, when you wanted it, even if it was something stupid, like love and affection. The funny thing is, you didn't turn out any different from the other kids, except that in high school, you considered taking a parent to the prom even though you had a date.
The School of Hard Knocks
The School of Hard Knocks
Your parents didn't agree with coddling children. They believed that victories were sweeter when you fought your own battles. They knew that all but the most serious injuries could be walked off. They thought helicopters were for traffic reports. Sure, you spent more time playing in the street than was healthy, but you really didn't turn out different than anyone else. ...Except that now, you really identify with that Johnny Cash song, A Boy Called Sue.
Helicopter Parenting
Helicopter Parenting
You still remember the first time your parents let you cross the street by yourself because it was last week. The closest you came to team sports was family Yahtzee night. The worst injury you sustained as a child was a slight elbow abrasion sustained when your mother grabbed you as you almost ran into the path of a speeding weiner dog. You didn't really turn out any different, though, except you have this strange urge to jump a line of school buses with your motorcycle.
Too Cool for Parenting Parenting
Too Cool for Parenting Parenting
You didn't know that there was music other than your dad's vinyl collection until you heard an *NSync song...last week. You couldn't eat boxed macaroni and cheese because the cheese wasn't artisanal. You weren't allowed to wear cartoon character t-shirts unless you wore them ironically, but you had to wear your fedora unironically even though you were five. You dressed as characters from Jim Jarmusch movies every Halloween. The weird thing is that you didn't turn out much different from other kids...except that now you really like Kraft Dinner, and you know a lot of words to Jim Jarmusch movies.