Which Fictional Quarterback Is The Football Player In You?
Which Fictional Quarterback Is The Football Player In You?
Are you the quiet leader or the flamboyant star? We'll tell you which fictional quarterback is your grid iron personality.
Are you the quiet leader or the flamboyant star? We'll tell you which fictional quarterback is your grid iron personality.

Which animal represents your on field self?
What is your go to pump up jam?
When were your football glory days?
Now you're on the field, what's your QB style?
Which actual NFL QB is your idol?
Post game press conference time. A reporter asks about your relationship with the coach, what do you say?
Run or Pass?
How are you going to celebrate the big win?
What's your post-career job going to be?
Matt Saracen
Matt Saracen
You're a humble team player that is always ready to tackle any task. You may not be the loudest leader, but you're the type to lead with your actions. You're content to sit in the background and wait for the right moment to make your move. Just try and stay away from the coach's daughter, that could be trouble. "Clear Eyes Full Heart Can't Lose."
Uncle Rico
Uncle Rico
What you lack in football prowess and knowledge you make up for with your comedic presence. You like to relive the glory days and you're probably still talking about that huge high school moment. "If Coach would have put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind." I know Rico, I know.
Paul Crewe
Paul Crewe
You've got a big personality to go with your amazing skills. The only problem is that you can't stay out of trouble and that hampers your ability to reach your full potential. You're still just waiting for your big comeback, whether you're more Burt Reynolds or Adam Sandler. Be ready for the "GROUP HUG IN THE SHOWERS TONIGHT."
Willie Beaman
Willie Beaman
You're the life of every party and you're always ready to show off your skills. You're a natural and are very good at your chosen path, there's only one problem, you know how good you are. "I'm trying to win coach. I ain't trying to disrespect nobody, but winning is the only thing I respect." You tell 'em Willie.
Shane Falco/ Johnny Utah
Shane Falco/ Johnny Utah
You're dual threat in more than one way. You've got interests across the board ranging from football to I don't know. . . BEING AN UNDERCOVER FBI AGENT. You have a cool calm demeanor under pressure no matter what the situation. Either way you're Keanu Reeves in football form so that's not too bad.
Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass
Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass
The only thing that can match your abilities on the field are your drop dead gorgeous good looks and your beautiful flow. It may take you a while, but you're the type of person that gets along with everyone. Keep on singing Sunshine and remember "Aint No Mountain High Enough."