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How Much Of A Picky Eater Are You REALLY?

Come find out with the definitive picky-eater-test!

Jack ONeil
Created by Jack ONeil
On Aug 20, 2015

You Are Pickier Than 75% of Eaters!

You Are Pickier Than 75% of Eaters!

There are no two ways around it - You only eat what you want to eat and have zero interest in the rest! Life is too short to eat fungus with your salad or be spoiled on a "chocolate chip cookie" only to find out it's full of *#&$^* RAISINS! Sorry, where were we?

Ah, yes - You know what you like, period. There is enough food on this planet to keep you completely content without having to dive into the more adventurous of cuisine. And nothing makes you more angry than someone asking "Well have you tried it?" - Don't worry, we're rolling our eyes for you right now.

You Are Only Pickier than 45% of Eaters!

You Are Only Pickier than 45% of Eaters!

You're a hard one to pin down, aren't you? The OFFICIAL word is: You are NOT a picky eater,as over half of the world's population eats less adventurously than you - but you certainly have some wishy washy feelings about the majority of stranger foods. Your pallet is not narrow, yet still refined. You enjoy more unique ingredients like mushrooms and sour cream (just as examples) so long as it/they're mixed in well with other ingredients (and for a purpose) - but don't necessarily like such ingredients on their own.

You know what you like and tend to stick to those foods - only getting adventurous with cuisine on special occasions. You may not eat EVERYTHING, but nothing makes you more angry then someone asking "Well have you tried it?" - The answer is always yes - hence why you don't like it!

WOW! 98% Of People Are Pickier Than You!

WOW! 98% Of People Are Pickier Than You!

You got the highest result possible - or should we say lowest? You're in the two percent!

Scientifically speaking you must have an impressively broad taste-palate to tolerate such a wide array of unique foods and flavors. This is, believe it or not, extremely rare! In simpler terms: Congratulations! You are OFFICIALLY NOT a Picky Eater! Food is a passion of yours - whether it's through cooking or simply scarfing it down, there is nothing quite like an exquisite meal for you.

The culinary world is vast, and your tastes are most certainly eclectic. A little bit of strange seafood? Sure, why not. Some roasted who-knows-what with a side of foreign veggies? Bring it on - You'll try anything once! Your taste buds are your friend - and not the enemy. They treat you well, and you reward them with many different flavors in return. The world is your oyster - and you just might happen to enjoy those on occasion as well. Success! Victory! Bon Appetit!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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