This Colorful Optical Illusion Will Allow You To See Colors That Don't Actually Exist!

Seriously - THIS one you have to try!

Jack ONeil
Created by Jack ONeil
On May 18, 2016

The following animation has surfaced on Imgur thanks to user mrjrich, and allows your brain to imprint colors into your consciousness that don't actually exist. Sounds crazy, right? Give it a shot:


Did you see the pastel colors after the animation switched away from the bright ones? Pretty amazing, right? Believe it or not, what you were actually seeing was just a white outline of the original colorful city, like this:


Now try it again by staring at the red dot for ten seconds (try not to blink if you can), and then once you begin to see the pastel colors - look away from the animation. The colors will disappear altogether!


Our brains work in mysterious ways, especially when it comes to our vision! Share with your friends and see if they can see these amazing colors, too!

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