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This General Knowledge Exam Will Reveal Your True Mental Age

24 questions will reveal where you're truly at mentally. Ready?

Jack ONeil
Created by Jack ONeil
On Feb 20, 2019
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In 1492 ______
sailed the ocean blue

Are there more males or females in the current population of Earth?

Which is the 'civilian name' of Captain America?

Who wrote 'The Great Gatsby'?

When do babies typically begin walking on their own?

Which of these men was NOT Vice President of the US?

What is the earnings/wage gap between men and women in the US?

If you are suffering musculo-skeletal issues, you will need an:

In what year did World War I begin?

Which is a type of golf club?

To get green pigment, you mix:

In 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit', Roger Rabbit's main human co-star was:

Which was NOT a wife of Henry VIII?

Which country is closest to the USA?

The neck consists of ___ vertebrae.

Virginia Woolf wrote:

The second US President was:

[Ca] correlates to which of these on the periodic table?

Which of these is NOT a Canadian province?

How many valves does the human heart have?

Which band famously sang about an eggman and a walrus?

Which country does NOT touch the Mediterranean Sea?

John McEnroe famously played:

What does SKU stand for in retail?

Your True Mental Age is: 24

Your True Mental Age is: 24

According to your results, your general knowledge aligns best with someone around the age of 24 - An intelligent but youthful member of society more concerned with keeping yourself cerebrally-engaged and flexible than rigid and/ or strict. You scored highest in areas people in their 20's have statistically focused on, including pop culture, entertainment, social equality, and employment. You have hobbies that keep you young, and look to keep yourself engaged in this way for as long as possible. Oh, to be youthful forever!

Your True Mental Age is: 36

Your True Mental Age is: 36

According to your results, your mental age is that of a 36 year old adult. The general knowledge questions you scored highest on were all within subjects people in their 30's have statistically focused on, including job security, family, health, and social studies. Whether you're around 36 yourself or not, this is considered to be the prime of one's life, so keep up this mental age and you're headed for great things!

Your True Mental Age is: 45

Your True Mental Age is: 45

According to your results, your mental age is that of a 45 year old adult. The general knowledge questions you scored highest on were all within subjects people in their mid 40's have statistically focused on, including history, management, future-planning, politics, hobbies, and a few more niche categories. Whether you're around 45 yourself or not, this is considered to be the beginning of the hey-day for the human mind - so whatever you're doing, keep it up, as it's clearly working.

Your True Mental Age is: 57

Your True Mental Age is: 57

According to your results, your mental age is that of a 57 year old adult. The general knowledge questions you scored highest on were all within subjects people in their later 50's have statistically focused on, including health and wellness, family preservation, retirement, politics, and travel. Whether you're around 57 yourself or not, this is considered to be the point in which the human mind has reached its pinnacle - where decades of experience all align, allowing for prime-decision making & execution of ideas, trips, and plans. How does it feel?

Your True Mental Age is: 66

Your True Mental Age is: 66

According to your results, your mental age is that of a 66 year old adult. The general knowledge questions you scored highest on were all within subjects people in their 60's have statistically focused on, including mental health & wellness, history, social studies, retirement & travel, and hobbies. Whether you're around 66 yourself or not, this is considered to be the point in which the human mind is firmly settled into what it will forever be. In short: 66 is a portrait of one's true self. This mental age represents a time in life when an individual is who they were ",meant to be". So if you're vastly younger than 66, consider yourself 1 in 10,000 who statistically "knows who they are". Impressive, indeed!

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