Which Badass Retro Movie Woman Are You?
Which Badass Retro Movie Woman Are You?
Are you more of a pirate-lover or demon slayer?
Are you more of a pirate-lover or demon slayer?

Who was your 2000s MAN CRUSH?
How do you feel about using the word "girl"?
What stage of life were you at in the 2000s?
Which is YOUR color?
Which of these is a "gift" (or curse) you possess?
Which 2000s blockbuster would you watch first?
What's your weapon of choice?
Which Historical Female Badass is your hero?
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter Series)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter Series)
Possibly the most badass character in the entire Harry Potter series, you are Hermione! Capable of acing every test amidst constantly saving her friends from certain death, Ms. Granger is the definition of heroic as she always gets the job done regardless of how much she's juggling at once. If anyone dares try to tell you Hermione isn't the baddest of ladies, tell them they need to rewatch the films a few more times to see just who is always saving who!
Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Caribbean Series)
Elizabeth Swan (Pirates of the Caribbean Series)
A woman of noble blood and stature, you are the governors daughter-turned-pirate Elizabeth Swann! Ms. Swann had her meek beginnings, daydreaming of the open seas and adventures as a young lady - but when her life turned upside down she rose to the occasion and followed her heart, becoming one of the toughest women on the open seas! Just like this take-charge adventurer, you don't take no for an answer and never sit back to let the men steer. Look where THAT's gotten us!
Eowyn (Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
Eowyn (Lord of the Rings Trilogy)
YOU ARE NO MAN... You are Eowyn! A harrowing soul locked in a noblewoman's body, Eowyn is a symbol of strength and courage even amongst the most battle-hardened of men. You may feel scoffed by society at times, but it has become your specialty to take such stereotypical nonsense- chew it up - and spit it in the face of bigots! Maybe not as violently as that sounds (as you are not a violent person by any means) - but you know who you are and aren't about to let anyone, not even the Lord of Evil himself, try to change you!
The Bride (Kill Bill Series)
The Bride (Kill Bill Series)
Remind us never to mess with you, as you're The Bride! Just like Beatrix Kiddo herself, you have zero time for ignorance or stupidity and never take no for an answer. You are an unstoppable machine of willpower - slicing through any obstacle that may cross your path. Others may see you as a bit aggressive, but those people can't keep up anyway - so why does it matter what they think? Life is too short for others holding you back! Just go easy on the revenge, yah?
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Time to reclaim Pink as a Power Color - You're lawyer extraordinaire Elle Woods! Though life can be overwhelmingly complex for you at times, at heart you are not one to complicate things if you can help it.... But if someone dares to tell you you can't do something... oh... oh, its ON. You've got loads of attitude when you need it and the brains to back it up - a formidable force of girl-power if there ever was one. Time for society to wise up so it can keep up with YOU!
Mystique (X-Men Series)
Mystique (X-Men Series)
It's all in the name - Mysterious, alluring, and inherently independent, you are Mystique! Sure, you may be morally ambiguous at times, but nothing you've ever done wasn't for a good reason. You're just the type of woman who will get things done regardless of societal norms or taboos. If something upsets you, you do not sit idly by - You take matters into your own hands, and are unstoppable once you do so. No situation can best you, as you blend effortlessly into any scenario. You never forget a face, and never let those down who were there for you when you needed them.