Which Color Powers YOU?
Which Color Powers YOU?
This is important to know! Which color empowers you within your life when worn, seen, or envisioned?
This is important to know! Which color empowers you within your life when worn, seen, or envisioned?

Where would you prefer to live?
If you were to write a song, it would probably end up being:
What brings you the most satisfaction?
What brings you the most dissatisfaction?
In the age-old debate of brown vs black clothing, which do you choose to wear?
If you were to place an animal on your family crest, it would be a:
Which of these embodies what you want most to achieve in life?
You are Empowered by SATIN RED!
You are Empowered by SATIN RED!
Red, as your power color, embodies all that you are through fierce passion, bloodlines, and energy. Perhaps the most powerful color within our visible spectrum, Red has held a direct correlation to humankind since the beginning - as it is the tint of not only our blood, but of our hearts as well. Red symbolizes the love and passion one needs to flourish in any relationship, as well as the dangerous streak that runs through any person who identifies as deeply with this color as you do. It represents war, sacrifice, love, risk, and above all: mortality. Red is your color - whether you choose to pepper it throughout your living quarters or wear it to stand out at important occasions, Red will serve you well and allow you to resonate with others the same way this color resonates within you.
You are Empowered by AMBER!
You are Empowered by AMBER!
Amber, or in simpler terms: Orange, is your power color. It embodies creativity, intricate thinking, imagination, and innovation. Not a common power color, Orange directly reflects your unique perspective of the world and the people within it. Uniquely adept at reading the emotions and talents of others - you are a wonderful judge of character, and in turn a terrific teacher to others who need it most. Your imagination (and as a result, your creativity as well) knows no bounds. Orange is a striking, vibrant shade of our visible spectrum, one that has come to represent illuminated individuals such as yourself - and also happens to be a favorite color of many famous painters. Whether you choose to create works of art swirled with warm shades of amber and orange, wear it as a statement color, or feel it in the sunshine on a warm summer day - Orange is your power color, and in turn will be your muse.
You are Empowered by GOLDEN YELLOW!
You are Empowered by GOLDEN YELLOW!
Yellow, as your power color, embodies friendliness, youth, selflessness, and an innately cautious nature. Throughout history, Yellow has been used to instill happiness in others - specifically a youthful playfulness that is embodies best within this shade of our visible spectrum. Others may see you as naive, but you have simply chosen to be happy over holding too many grudges or concerning yourself with the mundane - and choose to be selfless instead. You are, in turn, a naturally cautious individual who can sense fear in others - and are very aware of the signs within yourself. Whether brightening up your living space with vibrant shades of yellow, planting beautiful sunflowers, or wearing the color to express your own friendliness and warmth - Yellow is your power color, and will bring you much bliss.
You are Empowered by NATURAL GREENs
You are Empowered by NATURAL GREENs
Green, as your power color, represents the natural world and the journey of life itself. It is easy to draw the direct correlation between nature and the color Green, as it is such a large part of what we know about life on our planet. This color, however, resonates with you specifically - as you are a very natural person yourself, someone who values honestly and detests "fakeness" in anything (especially within other people). More so than any other color, green represents a connection to and appreciation for Life. Whether you're wearing shades of green because of the connection you feel to this color or feeling your heart swell with joy amongst lush green foliage in nature - Green is your power color, and will help you to live the full, abundant life you dream of.
You are Empowered by SAPPHIRE BLUE
You are Empowered by SAPPHIRE BLUE
Blue, as your power color, embodies tranquility, personal peace, and confidence. A favorite color to many due to its soothing properties, blue holds a much deeper meaning and connection with you. It is easy to write off the majestic appeal of this color as a simple admiration for the sky and sea - but blue is the color of hope, of spirituality and tranquility. Above all other colors, blue sincerely holds the power to bring happiness to individuals - something you strive to do whether you realize it or not. No matter if you feel best wearing shades of blue, choose to decorate your living space with peaceful shades of this color, or truly enjoy time amongst the sky and sea - Blue is your power color, and will allow you to bring the same confidence and tranquility you embody to the lives of many others.
You are Empowered by ROYAL PURPLE
You are Empowered by ROYAL PURPLE
Purple, as your power color, represents wisdom, luxury, and dignity. Famous throughout history as the color of many royal families, empires, and dynasties - Purple embodies your innate regal nature and ability to succeed despite all odds. Arrogance is the wrong word to describe the confidence this color instills within you, as you are not one to flaunt your success over others. You've been through hell and back, and know what it is like to be on the bottom of the rung, which either will or has given you a much better appreciation of luxury - and an innate sense of accomplishment. Whether wearing purple as a sign of your own dignity or choosing to adorn your living quarters with this regal color - Purple is your power color, and will allow you to reach the heights you dream of.
You are Empowered by STARK BLACK!
You are Empowered by STARK BLACK!
Black, as your power color, embodies privacy, intellectual sophistication, and mystery. Far from one to just follow the flow of things, your fierce uniqueness either is or should be a point of pride. For you, Black represents the power we can have in life, and also the complete certainty of many parts of existence. Stern, reserved, and fiercely independent, this color empowers you in every aspect of the word. Whether wearing stark Black to make a statement, driving a jet black vehicle, or choosing to adorn your living quarters with this sharp shade - Black is your power color, and will allow you to be the person you want to be, regardless of what others think or say.