Which Element Represents Your Family's Love?
Which Element Represents Your Family's Love?
Is your family's love as fiery and protective as fire, or as firm and rooted as the Earth? Something even more surprising, even? Come find out!
Is your family's love as fiery and protective as fire, or as firm and rooted as the Earth? Something even more surprising, even? Come find out!

How would you describe your family dynamic using only these palletes?
Is there a lot of crazy in your family?
Does your immediate family live close by?
Do you talk to your family in the same way you do your friends?
How close are/were you to your parents?
Describe your family in one word:
Pack up your stuff! How does a Family Vacation sound!?
Do you often argue with family members?
Firmly rooted with strong bonds, your family is greatly represented by the Earth Element. Likely a nurturing individual yourself (even if you don't know it) from an intimate home, your family has managed to stay grounded as a firm unit through the toughest of times - and always will. Many of your family members choose to stay close to home, and are comforted by these strong ties moreso than anything else. Few walls have been put up between members of your immediate family, and the ones that have are eventually broken down as grudges don't sit right with most of you. Within your family, being together is never taken for granted, and no member will ever go without anything the others may provide.
Courageous and full of stubborn-yet-lovable members, your family is passionately represented by the Fire Element. Your genealogy produces strong, independent individuals who love to debate, argue, or question just about anything. This may lead to tension and upset - but all fires are rooted to the same kindling - and this stands true with your family. Honor and loyalty is displayed and expected throughout, and outweighs any quarrels. All of this energy is also directed toward very active minds and lifestyles for most members of your family - and nothing pleases the unit more than a good old fashioned adventure!
Flowing and open-minded, your family unit is deeply represented by the Water Element. A forward-thinking unit with a penchant for the arts, your family is nothing if not creative, loving, and unique. Your family may be made up of vastly different individuals, but this has nurtured an all-encompassing theme of acceptance within your relatives that accepts individuals for who they are, period. Togetherness is cherished, but with a relaxed, no-pressure vibe: family is important to each of you, but like the great oceans of our planet, you all ebb and flow forever as one unit whilst remaining separate and unique all the same.
Often surprising and sporadic, your family is vigorously represented by the Lightning Element. Dynamic, spirited individuals make up your lineage, each with their own dreams and virtues. You may not be an intimate "everyone knows everything about each other" type of family - but this works for you, as that type of relationship doesn't benefit your unit as much as personal space and respect. You value privacy while still seeking those out you care for most when needed. At times it may feel like your family unit is disbanded, spread across vast distances carrying out individual ideals and goals, but the bonds run deeper than such ideals - and always will!