Jacob Lemke Trivia Quiz
Jacob Lemke Trivia Quiz
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What is my current street name?
What day am I flying back to Buffalo
Who did I vote for in the 2016 election?
Who is my favorite athlete of all time?
How many snap streaks do I currently have?
Favorite karaoke song?
What is my shoe size?
Who is my favorite celebrity woman?
What is my god son's name?
How many elections did I win in high school?
How many weapons do I own?
What political party do my VIEWS mostly align with?
Favorite NBA player?
When is my birthday?
What series did I just finish on Netflix?
Favorite Candy?
What presidential candidate do I have a picture with?
What did I dress up as on Halloween?
Favorite holiday?
What Bills jersey do I own?
How much money is currently in my bank account?
How long did I have my #SexyStubble for?
How did I chip my tooth when I was 8 years old?
Favorite Country Artist and/or Band?
Favorite College Basketball team?