These Baby Polar Bear Twins Had A Photoshoot And Now The World Is A Little Brighter
These Baby Polar Bear Twins Had A Photoshoot And Now The World Is A Little Brighter
Stop what you're doing and look at these cuties. . .
Stop what you're doing and look at these cuties. . .
Get ready for some bear-y cute pictures!
The Columbus Zoo in Ohio just released photos of their newest polar bear cubs. Their mom, Aurora, gave birth to the twins back in November and they finally had an official baby-shoot.
The twins started walking last month, and love to crawl and wrestle!
youtube embed goes here!
You can follow the zoo on Youtube for updates on the babies and the rest of their adorable animals.
If you're ever in need of smile, just think of these cuddly little creatures!
Cuteness overload.
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021