Which Taco Bell Sauce Are You?
Which Taco Bell Sauce Are You?
Spicy? Fiery? Mild? Nevertheless, you're super yummy ;)
Spicy? Fiery? Mild? Nevertheless, you're super yummy ;)
Pick your preferred Taco Bell order
Which color appeals to you most?
Pick your ideal weekend
Pick your poison
Choose a picture
Pick a dessert
Which "extra" would you be willing to pay for?
Choose a hair color
Mild Sauce
Mild Sauce
Mild and light, you do not feel the need to impress or impose yourself on anyone. You simply be yourself, and the ones who are lucky enough to know you love you for who you are. You're smart and sensible, and know what to say and whom you can trust. You're super popular, as you are not too much and not too little- you're the perfect balance.
Hot Sauce
Hot Sauce
Hot, Spicy and Delicious, you're enough to make a meal feel complete! You've got a personality that uplifts others in the room and no one can ever feel dull or bored around you.
Fire Sauce
Fire Sauce
Fiery and delicious, not everyone can handle all you have to give. You're confident, upfront, charming nature often makes you the center of attention. When you want something you go all out, and you're generally great fun to be around! Most importantly, you're the life of the party even if you don't know it, the party really don't start till you walk in ;)
Verde Salsa
Verde Salsa
You're a unique gem, aren't you? Besides your exceptional taste, you also aren't really a "sauce." You are different, delicious and simply essential. You can make or break a meal, and so it's often up to you to make an outing fun. Your charming personality attracts others of the same kind, and your diplomatic opinions keeps you away from enemies. Nevertheless you are honest, loving and pretty passionate- but careful not to offend anyone. You're a great friend to have, as you can always be trusted but you may find it hard to trust someone else.
Fire Roasted
Fire Roasted
You are special, only a few people really know about your awesomeness. But the ones who are lucky enough to know the real you, cannot waste a meal without your presence. You accentuate their personalities, as well as you accentuate flavors. Your chilled out attitude, makes others want to chill out with you.