How well do you know Jaime Lannister?
How well do you know Jaime Lannister?
30 questions from the books and the series.
30 questions from the books and the series.

He gave him the name Kingslayer:
What was Jaime's title before his titles Ser and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard?
Lord Tywin intended to marry Jaime to...
What kind of learning disorder had Jaime when he was child?
Which battle was fought when Jaime killed the Mad King?
At what age did Jaime join the Kingsguard?
Jaime was raised to the Kingsguard by Lord Commander...
Who plays Jaime Lannister in the series 'Game of Thrones'?
In the series who was killed by Jaime in the prison?
Jaime Lannister was knighted on the battlefield by...
The names of Jaime's two horses are...
What is his actor's nationality in real life?
What's happened with Jaime's right hand in the book 'A Storm of Swords'?
Why does Jaime punch Ronnet Connington in the face with his golden hand?
When were the Lannister twins Jaime and Ceresei born?
Which hand did Jaime push Bran off the tower with?
What is NOT Jaime's nick name?
Who was Jaime Lannister's role model?
In the BOOKS who does train Jaime to sword fight with left hand?
At the age of fifteen, Jaime participated in the campaign against the...
After the kingslaying who did find Jaime on the Iron Throne?
What kind of blood relationship exists between Jaime's parents Tywin and Joanna?
Who did chop Jaime's sword hand off in the series 'Game of Thrones'?
Where does Jaime fight against a bear to protect Brienne?
How old was Jaime when he won his first tournament?
In which battle was Jaime captured by Robb Stark?
He/She suggested Jaime to join the Kingsguard.
Where was Jaime imprisoned by King in the North?
Jaime become a member of the Kingsguard, replacing the recently deceased...
In the book "A Storm of Swords" who was sent by Qyburn to Ser Jaime Lannister's bedchamber as Jaime recovers in Harrenhal after losing his sword hand?