11 True Or False Questions About UFOs That Will Completely Freak You Out
11 True Or False Questions About UFOs That Will Completely Freak You Out
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) have captivated people's minds for decades — and that was before a series of former United States military officials came forward to confirm that they are real and demand answers.
But while we might not have an answer to the ultimate question, are we alone in the universe, you can test your knowledge of the UFO phenomenon on this quick true or false quiz — that is, if you haven’t already been picked up for a ride, or you too spooked by the objects flying around in our sky.
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) have captivated people's minds for decades — and that was before a series of former United States military officials came forward to confirm that they are real and demand answers.
But while we might not have an answer to the ultimate question, are we alone in the universe, you can test your knowledge of the UFO phenomenon on this quick true or false quiz — that is, if you haven’t already been picked up for a ride, or you too spooked by the objects flying around in our sky.

11 True Or False Questions About UFOs That Will Completely Freak You Out
On September 1, 1969, multiple witnesses in Berkshire County, Massachusetts reported strange paranormal experiences associated with a UFO sighting.
Winston Churchill himself reported seeing a UFO in 1912.
The first documented UFO sighting in the United States was in 1639 when the Massachusetts colony governor recalled a story of men seeing a luminous object hovering around a nearby river.
Only 0.05% of UFO sightings are actually unexplained.
In October 1942, Christopher Columbus saw a UFO as he was approaching land.
UFOs got their colloquial nickname of "flying saucers" after pilot-businessman Kenneth Arnold reported a sighting of UFOs that moved like “saucers skipping on water."
Oddly, the nation of India has no documented reporting of UFOs.
According to Bob Lazar, the United States government has possession of multiple extraterrestrial UFOs at Area 51.
A UFO reportedly slowed Alexander the Great's conquest, as they had to wait for terrifying flying discs to disperse before crossing a river.
In what year is Astronomer Jose Bonilla credited with taking the first photo of a UFO?
Thomas Mantell, an experienced World War II fighter pilot, crashed and died after pursuing a UFO.