Answer These 10 Questions About Your Technology Preferences And We'll Give You A Piece of Advice for 2021
Answer These 10 Questions About Your Technology Preferences And We'll Give You A Piece of Advice for 2021
Technology is a huge part of all of our lives, and the choices we make with technology reveal little clues about us and how we operate. Reveal some of your own technological preferences in this quiz, and we'll give you the piece of advice that you need to hear.
Technology is a huge part of all of our lives, and the choices we make with technology reveal little clues about us and how we operate. Reveal some of your own technological preferences in this quiz, and we'll give you the piece of advice that you need to hear.

Which device do you prefer?
How do you prefer to surf the internet?
How often are you looking at a screen?
PC or Mac?
Do you ever pay to use apps?
Do you have the most recent edition of your phone brand?
Have you ever been on a date with someone you met on an app?
Do you prefer laptop or desktop computers?
When did you first get a smartphone?
You are ____ about the future of technology.
Be Bolder.
Be Bolder.
In 2021, you need to be bolder and chase after your dreams – you can do it!
Be Wiser.
Be Wiser.
In 2021, you need to take a step back and think through your decisions more carefully. You have the passion and energy, now gather the wisdom.
Be Kinder.
Be Kinder.
In 2021, you need to put the shoe on the other foot and be a little nicer to the folks around you in your life.
Be More Determined.
Be More Determined.
In 2021, you need to keep pushing to achieve your dreams. Don't give up, don't give in, hang on!
Answer These 10 Questions About Your Technology Preferences And We'll Give You A Piece of Advice for 2021
Which device do you prefer?