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Answer These 10 Questions And We'll Tell You If You're Destined To Find An Amazing Black Friday Deal

Are you getting excited for Black Friday? There is just absolutely nothing more exciting than finding *that* great deal on *that* item you've been thinking about buying for ages. But will you succeed this year? Take the quiz below so we can suss out your Black Friday chances...

Jake Geers
Created by Jake Geers
On Nov 15, 2021

Do you consider yourself "naturally lucky?"

Which merchandise would you be more likely to buy?

Which store would you be most likely to shop in?

How much time do you have to shop?

How often do you talk with sales people when shopping?

Do you enjoy shopping?

How do you generally pay for your purchases?

Do you take advice from celebrities on which brands to buy?

How often do you return items?

How early do you go out on Black Friday?

You're 99% destined to find a great deal!

You're 99% destined to find a great deal!

Nothing in life is for sure, but you've got the best possible odds.

You're 75% destined to find a great deal!

You're 75% destined to find a great deal!

We think your chances are good, but don't quote us on it.

You're 50/50 destined to find a great deal!

You're 50/50 destined to find a great deal!

It's a tossup! Good luck out there.

You only have a 1/4 chance to find a great deal!

You only have a 1/4 chance to find a great deal!

The odds are against you, but go out there and beat 'em!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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