Answer These 10 Questions And We'll Tell You Which 'Wheel of Time' Character You Are
Answer These 10 Questions And We'll Tell You Which 'Wheel of Time' Character You Are
The Wheel of Time is an epic twenty book series that takes place in a fantasy world steeped in legend and lore. Now, it has been adapted into a television series by Amazon, and people are already saying it could be the next Wheel of Time! Have you watched yet? Take this quick 10 question quiz to see which Wheel of Time character you are:
The Wheel of Time is an epic twenty book series that takes place in a fantasy world steeped in legend and lore. Now, it has been adapted into a television series by Amazon, and people are already saying it could be the next Wheel of Time! Have you watched yet? Take this quick 10 question quiz to see which Wheel of Time character you are:

How do you approach problems?
What job did you want to have growing up?
Do you see yourself as smarter than most people?
Are you known for being good at first aid?
Do you see yourself as "street smart" or "book smart"?
If you were in a battle, what weapon would you use?
What trait do you feel is most important?
Are you naturally trusting?
Do you usually put others first?
Are you well-traveled?
You Are: Rand
You Are: Rand
You Are: Moiraine
You Are: Moiraine
You Are: Egwene al'Vere
You Are: Egwene al'Vere
You Are: Mat Cauthon
You Are: Mat Cauthon