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Answer These 11 Questions, And We’ll Tell You If You Should Expect To Be On Santa’s Naughty Or Nice List This Year!

How nice have you been this year?

Jake Geers
Created by Jake Geers
On Jan 11, 2022

You are driving to work and a car cuts you off. What do you tend to do?

It’s almost Christmas! What do you do?

When you think of Christmas, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

You are training someone new at work but they aren’t understanding. How do you react?

When was your Christmas tree put up this year?

Choose a Christmas gift!

Choose another gift!

You have been craving a specific drink from your local coffee shop all day. You finally go there and order it, but they tell you that they’re all out of it. What is your response?

You’re at the mall Christmas shopping, and someone accidentally runs into you and drops some of their things but also makes you drop something. What do you do?

When you hear the word, “Christmas” what do you feel?

You are on Santa’s Nice list!

You are on Santa’s Nice list!

You have been very good this year! You should expect to be on Santa’s nice list!

You are on Santa’s naughty list!

You are on Santa’s naughty list!

Oh no! Maybe it isn’t too late to be a little bit nicer!

Answer These 11 Questions, And We’ll Tell You If You Should Expect To Be On Santa’s Naughty Or Nice List This Year!

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