Celebrate 'World Whiskey Day' By Getting A 9/11 Or Better On This Whiskey Quiz
Celebrate 'World Whiskey Day' By Getting A 9/11 Or Better On This Whiskey Quiz
There's nothing better after a long day than knocking back a nice drink — and if you're anything like me — that drink of choice is usually a nice whiskey.
But while you may be a fan of whiskeys, are you a true connoisseur? Take the quiz below to put your whiskey knowledge to the test
There's nothing better after a long day than knocking back a nice drink — and if you're anything like me — that drink of choice is usually a nice whiskey.
But while you may be a fan of whiskeys, are you a true connoisseur? Take the quiz below to put your whiskey knowledge to the test

Celebrate 'World Whiskey Day' By Getting A 9/11 Or Better On This Whiskey Quiz
What percent of all bourbon whiskey is produced in Kentucky?
The average measure of whisky contains _____ calories.
Whiskey starts its life as _____.
The oldest whiskey is over ____ years old.
What brand of bourbon whiskey is known for its red-wax seal?
Scotch whiskey generates _____ of revenue every second.
Who invented whiskey?
True or False: An occasional whiskey can help prevent cancer.
A region in Kentucky with a number of closely located bourbon whiskey distilleries is known as the "bourbon _____".
The most expensive whiskey cocktail was sold at Dubai’s Skyview Bar for the eye-popping price of ______.
True or False: Approximately 18% of whiskey evaporates through the barrels each year