How Observant Are You Based On This Spatial Awareness Test?
How Observant Are You Based On This Spatial Awareness Test?
Which half of your brain is more dominant? Are you more creative or Observant? Take this spatial awareness test to find out!
Which half of your brain is more dominant? Are you more creative or Observant? Take this spatial awareness test to find out!
Which center circle is bigger?
Which arrow is the longest?
Which rectangle makes a bigger box?
Which circle can the square fit into, without touching the edges?
Which square is the largest?
Will the arrow join both the squares when it is horizontal?
Can the triangle fit inside the ring of circles without touching the ring?
Is the circle outside the ring bigger than the circle inside the ring?
You Scored a 97%
You Scored a 97%
Congratulations, you scored the top score! You have a sharp eye and are extremely observant! You are a detail oriented, sharp individual who tends to see things that other people don't. This quality is likely to take you places!
Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
You Scored an 80%
You Scored an 80%
Congratulations! You scored an 80%, which means that you are more observant than 50% of the people who take this test! Your answers suggest that you are more observant than you are creative. However, you have an undeniably exciting and imaginative creative side to you too!
Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
You Scored a 40%
You Scored a 40%
It looks like your creativity outshines your observation skills! You are an out-of-the-box thinker who prefers not to spend too much time over one thing. Bursting with ideas, dreams and curiosity, you prefer to move on instead of dwelling over the same thing over and over again. Despite your dominating creative side, your observant side still notices things that nobody else does and you always seem to get things that others don't.
Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
You Scored a 20%
You Scored a 20%
You are a more creative, passionate and imaginative person than you are observant. You may not want to spend too much time paying attention to details, and prefer to look at the larger picture in life. Due to your creative mind, you also tend to get bored easily, but still manage to be fascinated by the world around you!
Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below!