What sort of art historian are you?

You may think you practice art history - but from what era do you hail? Are you a traditional antiquarian or connoisseur; or a practitioner of high theory and integration with the wider humanities?

This quiz won't tell you because it was thrown together in about 45 minutes by someone trying to top his cathedral quiz from last year, and it isn't nearly as funny.

James Alexander Cameron
Created by James Alexander Cameron (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 12, 2015

So what's the most important thing we should think about this painting

The next chapter of your book is due to be submitted to your publisher tomorrow! You've written sod all! What do you do?

You have visited a City church to view a painting it is using as an altarpiece, but the church is locked! What do you do?

How do you generally wind down in the evening after a long day's art-historianing?

Who painted this?

You've read a doctoral thesis and are just about to give the student their final oral exam! What is the first thing you say?

What's the difference between Sotheby's and Christie's?

You have a day off! What do you spend it doing?

Which is your favourite ZZ Top album?

An antiquarian of old!

An antiquarian of old!

Hooray! You are a thoroughly Victorian antiquarian! You came to love art through your large inherited collection, and enjoy expressing your love of the Italian Primitives by buying lots of gold-back paintings on the cheap, all of which are no doubt by Giotto himself! You also have a particular fondness for the debut album of that little ol' band from Texas, as it most clearly shows their debt to the heavier brand of English blues, the embryo of their distinctive sound.

A true connoisseur!

A true connoisseur!

For you it is all a question of attribution - you're a Oxbridge don of the mid twentieth century! If you're not advising the Queen on her pictures, you like to be living it up in Soho, or enjoying the more experimental direction the three amigos took on their 1979, featuring surprisingly jazzy interludes amongst their bluesy rhythms.

A general social historian of pretty things!

A general social historian of pretty things!

Oh yes! You are of the New Art History of the 1980s - when the discipline allied itself with the wider humanities. High French theory and Marxist social structuring is your game, along with, of course, the tres hombres' hit MTV-era album, which saw them marrying Gibbons' trademark pinch-harmonic-laden solos with modern synthesiser beats.

A thoroughly modern academic!

A thoroughly modern academic!

You are a modern art historian! You look to reaffirm the discipline's identity in the humanities through visual analysis, but also by adapting methodologies to investigate the material potential of your objects! You also have a peculiar liking for Gibbons, Hill and Beard's stripped-down 1996 collection of rough and ready blues rock.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021