Which Cocktail Is Your Relationship?
Which Cocktail Is Your Relationship?
Are you a hot and steamy Sex on the Beach or a spicy Bloody Mary?
Are you a hot and steamy Sex on the Beach or a spicy Bloody Mary?

Which 80s movie would you most like to be in?
What's your dream date?
What do you value about your partner?
What classic gameshow could the two of you win?
What was your favourite subject at school?
What small gesture would you prefer your partner to make?
Who is your favourite literary heroine?
In which period of history would you have a forbidden romance?
What would be your ideal Valentine’s gift?
What minor criticism would your partner make of you?
Strawberry Daquiri
Strawberry Daquiri
You’re the sweetest couple around - both fun, bubbly, and colourful. You might also love baking, garden parties and funfairs - anything with bright lights, good music, and no excuses for an early night. There’s few frowns in your relationship - mostly hugs, dancing and laughter. The way it should be.
Pina Colada
Pina Colada
You are an exotic, indulgent mixture. At least one of you loves to be spoiled - maybe even both. You’re the couple who feed each other strawberries from each others dessert plates when you go out to eat - a sinful, glorious pleasurable relationship.
You are traditional and resilient, the couple that nobody can imagine ever breaking up. You have spice, sure - but also a dash of sweetness in the mix as well. You’re a grown-up combination who can handle anything life throws at them, with a risqué sense of fun stirred in.
You are a classic, sophisticated couple, with a hint of danger! On the surface you’re a perfect mix - two simple ingredients in harmony - but there’s an edge of mystery there, too. You dress well and are both fairly independent people, but when you come together, you’re an irresistible match.