Which Illegal Drug Are You?
Which Illegal Drug Are You?
Is your life a constant trip or are you more mellow than that?
Is your life a constant trip or are you more mellow than that?

What's your ideal party?
Which celeb would you most want to get high with?
What are your hobbies?
What's your best trait?
What's your worst trait?
Pick an animal.
Your idea of the perfect drug is...
Pick a movie villain.
Pick a piece of art
Pick a Beatles song.
You got weed. You’re a chilled-out, relaxed type. You may seem slightly too relaxed to some, but we all have our own speed. You like home comforts, eating well, me time and of course a good comedy movie. And sleep. Lots and lots of nourishing beauty sleep.
You are LSD. You’re whimsical, adventurous and colourful. You don’t dress to conform and people often see you as something of a maverick. Because, hey, there are bigger questions to ponder than what others think.
You are ecstasy. You’re bubbly, tactile and fun. You love your friends - and also random strangers. Everyone, basically. You’re all about a positive outlook and having a good time. And why not? You have plenty of things to be happy about, after all...
You are cocaine. You’re a party person, but more of a long-distance runner than a sprinter. You like late nights, fast conversations, loud music and not doing anything by halves. You’re talkative, full-on and sociable, and you’ve got a touch of luxury and class about you, too.
You are ketamine. You’re intense, dark and mysterious. You go to parties, but we’ll usually find you in the corner somewhere. You observe more than join in, and prefer to know more than you say. But that’s not to say you don’t have as much of an adventurous side as anyone else.