Access a Faster Prior Authorization Solution for Specialties Pharmacy
Access a Faster Prior Authorization Solution for Specialties Pharmacy
The prior authorization for specialty pharmacy has always been time taking and complicated as high-cost specialty medications are used.
The prior authorization for specialty pharmacy has always been time taking and complicated as high-cost specialty medications are used.

The process of prior authorization seems to be a burden for lots of physicians. JumpRx has conducted a study in Q1 2016 to understand the state of prior authorization with a group of 400 U.S physicians. This study included physician across multiple specialties, where average physician for all specialties completed 35 prior authorizations per week. Physicians with specialties pharmacy completed 44 prior authorizations per week.
As medication used in specialty pharmacy gives faster relief, specialty pharmacies are rising to all occasion today which is why most people in the US prefer to such services. In fact, IVIg programs which come under specialties pharmacy giving rise to IVIg therapy for its better gross profit and rising demand. The prior authorization for specialty pharmacy has always been time taking and complicated as high-cost specialty medications are used.
The main reason for opting for a specialty pharmacy is a quick treatment for the problem. So why waste time in prior authorization process in specialty pharmacy? This is why healthcare organizations are outsourcing their prior authorization process. While in-house staff often seen juggling between prior authorization process and front desk clinical work outsourcing is always a better option. Outsourcing helps not only in obtaining a faster prior authorization process but also lesser denial claims. This is why finding the right operational extension for your prior authorization process becomes very vital.
Sunknowledge service Inc a 100% HIPAA age-old organization has excelled in such services. With 100 client’s including Medtronic, it is one of the leading medical billing organization. We cater a full authorization service including authorization request, approval as well as follow up. To ease the pain point Sunknowledge guarantees 100% Prior authorization submission on the same day. 99.9% accuracy with 80% instant reduction in operational cost as well as an increase in your current rate of prior authorization by 1.5-2x is definitely worth a try.
Apart from prior authorization Sunknowledge also serves:
• Entry of Rx order
• Entry of patient’s demographics and insurance
• Dx Entry
• Eligibility verification
• Collection of complete Rx
• A complete collection of documents for Authorization approval
• Submission
• Rejection/denial management
• AR Follow up
So experience a 24*7 dedicated account manager solving all your prior authorization for specialty pharmacy and other medical billing issues while increasing profitability along with a streamlining your operation flow. Call Sunknowledge expert for more information. We are just a call away.