Next Gen Company for All Your Prior Authorization Problems
Next Gen Company for All Your Prior Authorization Problems
Our expert is ready to help you solving your Prior Authorization for orthotics & prosthetics process.
Our expert is ready to help you solving your Prior Authorization for orthotics & prosthetics process.

In a survey, 92% physician said, prior authorizations programs have an unconstructive impact on patient’s clinical result. According to American Medical Associations (AMA), the result further stated that Prior Authorization must be reformed.
Obstacle During Prior Authorization Process:
Lengthy Process – A physician had to follow numerous procedures during the Prior authorization process. As each PA submission cause nearly 30-40 min, this is equally frustrating. According to AMA, 64% of physicians’ state nearly 1 business day is wasted for a PA process and 30% state they suffer for 3 business day. This delay can cause a worse result during the treatment process.
Expensive Process– In a survey it is seen that normally 1.1 hr is spent by a physician,13.1 hrs spend by nursing staff and 5.6 hrs is spent by clerical staff on this process. When this time was converted into a dollar a lot of cash was seen wasted.
Patients Delay –In the PA process it is the patients who suffer the most. A normal PA takes place in 1 – 3 business days. This leads to a delay in the patient's care and treatment. This is harmful and creates a negative impact on the patient's health care. Even it damages the result in the clinical quality.
Management of Prior Authorization – Lots of denial claims have been reported due to incorrect or incomplete information. A lot can be reduced if careful management and attention is been paid.
Why Outsource?
In case of outsourcing, health care provider gets a productive report. The errors related to Prior Authorization happen less. Compare to outsourcing in-house pa is very expensive and complicated process. This is why most of the medical provider nowadays outsourcing their pa service from RCM companies. Here is where outsourcing company like Sun knowledge Service Inc comes into play.
Sun knowledge Service Inc caters standalone /end to end support for all this service, which can be prioritized according to clients needs.
• Rx Order Entry
• Patient demographics & insurance entry
• Product Code/Rx & Dx Entry
• Eligibility verification/Authorization
• Collection of complete Rx
• Collection of documents for Auth approval
• Submission
• Rejection/denial management
• A/R Follow-up
Sunknowledge Benefits:
• 99% accuracy rate in prior authorization for orthotics & prosthetics services
• Instantly Reduction of billing costs by 80%
• Guarantee collections up to 97% even in aging AR)
• Submission of PA by 100% within the same day
• Dedicated full-time employees with identification
• Customized reporting daily/weekly/monthly support with excellent account management
• Operational transparency
• No adjustments or write-offs without client consent
• No binding contract
Contact US
For more information, do speak to our expert over no commitment call. Our expert is ready to help you solving your Prior Authorization for orthotics & prosthetics process. Our experts guarantee, an effective solution for your seamless cash flow. We are just a call away.