Why Wait for Your DME Prior Authorization When You Have Electronic Prior Authorization
Why Wait for Your DME Prior Authorization When You Have Electronic Prior Authorization

Why Wait for Your DME Prior Authorization When You Have Electronic Prior Authorization
Imagine a whole day lying down in a certain place as your DME is waiting for prior authorization. Imagine going to the pharmacy and being denied for a certain medicine you need. For ages, you have spend million in the hope of achieving a faster prior authorization process, when with low fee all your prior authorization work can be done.
There are organizations providing complete prior authorization service for DME products. Sunknowledge service Inc is among such outsourcing organization. The main reason for outsourcing prior authorization is to completely reduce the burden for both provider and patients. Nowadays with the help of PriorAuth Online an electronic Prior authorization for DME, orthotics and prosthetics, radiology and other specialties have made it easy
Reason to Look for in Your PriorAuth Online:
100% HIPAA compliant – patient healthcare information is equally important and should be kept safely. A HIPAA compliant means certain privacy standard has to be followed, which is set by US law to maintained and protect the patient’s medical records. Even information provided to health plans, doctors, healthcare providers etc also have to be maintained.
Operational transparency –PriorAuth online is an electronic prior authorization process. Being an online portal it has complete information about the Prior authorization follow-up, approval, and working details. In fact, it helps the provider as well as patients get a clear status about the progress of individual Prior authorization.
Sunknowledge service Inc option:
In the medical sector there are plenty of organizations offering full-service prior authorization for DME, then why Sunknowledge?
• 100% HIPAA compliance with no hidden cost
• Turnaround time less than 24- 48 hours after receiving a denial
• Low service fees with operational transparency
• Dedicated team and an account manager with identities serving for 24/7
• Zero lockups in a standalone/end to end service
• Real-time audits and custom reporting daily/weekly/monthly
• Excellent visibility and proven expertise
• 99.9% billing and coding accuracy
• No, write-offs or adjustment on claims without your consent.
Apart from all this Sunknowledge also does after sale support on behalf of the provider. A complete go to for all prior authorization in DME, radiology, genomic lab, etc. For more information visit Sunknowledge website or call the Sunknowledge expert.