Having a Ball with Jane Austen
Having a Ball with Jane Austen
Every Austen fan knows how important dancing is! On that note, do you remember the details of these key dances?
Every Austen fan knows how important dancing is! On that note, do you remember the details of these key dances?

According to Catherine Morland, what does not necessarily increase either the dignity or enjoyment of a ball?
What jewellery did Fanny Price wear to the ball at Mansfield?
"I remember last Christmas at a little hop at the park, he danced from eight o'clock till four, without once sitting down." Who does this refer to?
Who opened "every ball of credit which a scanty neighbourhood afforded" for the last thirteen winters?
Who helped Fanny dress for the ball at Mansfield?
'“How well your brother dances!” was an artless exclamation of'....who?
"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards"....what?
Who explains how a dance may be given in a cottage?
Who did Fanny dance with first at the Mansfield ball?
The Weston's ball is where Frank Churchill and Emma Woodhouse first meet who?