Are you and your friend drifting apart
Are you and your friend drifting apart
Are you drifting apart?
Are you drifting apart?
Created by Jane Doe (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 19, 2015
You tell your friend a secret! Does she.....
You have a crush on this guy in bio glass. You tell your friend and then she goes talk to him. Is she.....
You just failed your test. You call your friend. Does she........
Your best friend's dog just died. Do you.....
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Your not drifting apart
Your not drifting apart
You're both friends and love eachother and nothing can get in the way.
Your drifting apart
Your drifting apart
You are drifting apart. Your friendship was good while it lasted.
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