How does Hermione Granger feel about you??
How does Hermione Granger feel about you??
Let's find out!! Girls only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's find out!! Girls only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which house are you in??
How do you feel about muggles and mudbloods??
What's the most important thing to do at Hogwarts??
Choose a Hogwarts girl!!
Pick a boy!!
What is most important??
Pick a wizard idol!!
Breaking the rules is....
Severus Snape is....
Hermione Granger is....
Crookshanks or Scabbers??
And lastly, do house elves have rights??
She's your friend!! :)
She's your friend!! :)
She's your friend and you share the same interests!! Apart from Harry and Ron she would be spending time with you!! :)
She likes you but you guys aren't that close
She likes you but you guys aren't that close
She's seen you around but doesn't really notice you much.....
She dislikes you!! :(
She dislikes you!! :(
She doesn't like you!! Your probably a mudblood hating Slytherin!!
She doesn't really know who you are.....
She doesn't really know who you are.....
She has no clue who you are..... Your probably in a different house and don't do enough to stand out.....
She admires you!!
She admires you!!
She admires you!! She thinks your really smart and you have good morals, so she looks up to you!! :)