What would Harry Potter think of you??
What would Harry Potter think of you??
Let's find out!! Girls only!!!!!!!!!
Let's find out!! Girls only!!!!!!!!!
What would you rather do on your spare time??
Which house are you in??
Choose one!!
If Draco asked you out to the Yule Ball you would....?
Who would you support during the Triwizard Tournament??
What's your most noticeable personality trait??
Describe muggles in one word....
Which of these are more likely to wear to a dance??
What colour is your hair??
Who would you want to ask you to the Yule Ball??
What's your favourite quote??
Who do you like the most out of these characters??
Choose a Deathly Hallow.....
And lastly, how do you feel about Harry Potter??
He likes you
He likes you
Harry know who you are and appreciates you but you two aren't to close.....
He has a crush on you!! 💋
He has a crush on you!! 💋
He has a crush on you!! Harry admires you loyalty and bravery!! Maybe you can even compete with Ginny or Cho.
He doesn't like you
He doesn't like you
Harry doesn't like you at all!! Your probably some Slytherin girl!!
He doesn't really know you......
He doesn't really know you......
Sadly Harry doesn't really know who you are.... You're not his friend nor are you his enemy.
He's your friend 😊
He's your friend 😊
He's your friend but sadly you'll never be Ron or Hermione.