Are You A Loner?
Are You A Loner?
Is it in your core nature to be alone? Or are you better off surrounded by people. Take this quiz on loneliness to find out.
Is it in your core nature to be alone? Or are you better off surrounded by people. Take this quiz on loneliness to find out.

I often go long periods in my life without having any friends, and I'm fine with that.
When picking a job or career, I first consider how social the work will be. I prefer autonomous, supervision-free jobs.
I prefer to do everything myself because I find it hard to rely solely on other people.
I would be perfectly happy living by myself, with no human contact whatsoever, for the rest of my days.
Being with other people all the time depresses me more than being by myself all the time. I thrive alone.
Do you like cats or dogs better?
I find it difficult to maintain more than a couple of close friendships at a time.
I rarely follow the crowd. I like to follow my own path in life.
Yes...You are a loner
Yes...You are a loner
You're a lone wolf...a don't give a sh*t what people think of you. You would be so happy just to spend the rest of your days in a log cabin with a pet squirrel. Sounds like a blast.
No...You are not a loner
No...You are not a loner
You're not a loner. You may have been forced in hermits by accident but your true nature is to connect with people.