Are You A Rooster, A Chicken, Or An Egg?
Are You A Rooster, A Chicken, Or An Egg?
Now you can finally know the answer.
Now you can finally know the answer.
Created by Jasmine Park
On Aug 21, 2017
What's your favorite Easter treat?
How do you like your eggs?
Favorite cartoon chicken:
Pick a chicken nugget sauce:
Brown eggs or white eggs?
Favorite farm animal-themed movie?
Are you an early riser? Or a night owl?
Which of the following best describes you?
You're a...Rooster
You're a...Rooster
You're the type of person who would scream at the top of their lungs at 5AM.
You're a...Chicken
You're a...Chicken
Has anyone ever called you a chicken? A-hem...I guess they were right.
You're an...Egg
You're an...Egg
You're an egg...don't ask questions. Whether you are fertilized or not is not specified.
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