Are You A White Or Red Wine Drinker?
Are You A White Or Red Wine Drinker?
There are two types of people in this world - red wine drinkers and white wine drinkers. Which one are you?
There are two types of people in this world - red wine drinkers and white wine drinkers. Which one are you?

Which of these summer meals would you choose?
Which of these winter meals would you choose?
Which dessert would you choose?
Where would you rather spend your evening?
Pick a dress:
If you had to drink red, which type would you choose?
If you had to drink white, which type would you choose?
The defining question, cats or dogs?
You are a red wine drinker
You are a red wine drinker
Red wine drinkers are romantics. They would rather read a good novel than flip through a magazine. They know a lot about wine and actually care about the year, type of grape and price of the wine they drink.
You are a white wine drinker
You are a white wine drinker
White wine drinkers love the summertime. They would rather eat dinner outdoors as opposed to in a restaurant. They are more practical than red wine drinkers and would rather go to a big party than a small gathering.
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