Are You Ready To Move In Together? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Are You Ready To Move In Together? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Thinking about moving in together? Don't make this life-changing decision without taking a test first. This quiz will tell you whether or not you are truly ready to share your space with your partner.
Thinking about moving in together? Don't make this life-changing decision without taking a test first. This quiz will tell you whether or not you are truly ready to share your space with your partner.
First thing's many years have you guys been together?
Who brought up moving in together?
Are you an only child?
When you think about marrying this person, what's your reaction?
Have you had your first fight yet?
How long were you single before you met this person?
When you think about getting a dog or cat with this person, how do you react?
Do you prefer to live with roommates? Or alone?
Yes! You are ready to move in together.
Yes! You are ready to move in together.
Good news! According to your answers you are ready to make the next "step". Now all you need is a rug!
No...You aren't ready to move in together...
No...You aren't ready to move in together...
Sorry to say this but based on your answers, you aren't ready to share your home with your romantic partner. You're too used to living alone!
Are You Ready To Move In Together? Take This Quiz To Find Out