Which Rick And Morty Side Character Are You?
Which Rick And Morty Side Character Are You?
Wondering which random Rick and Morty side character you are? Take this quiz and we'll tell you!
Wondering which random Rick and Morty side character you are? Take this quiz and we'll tell you!

What do Mr. Poopybutthole, Bird Person, and "The Fart" all have in common? They are all side characters on the Adult Swim, hit TV show Rick and Morty. Everyone can be classified into one of these zany characters. Which one are you? Are you more of a Mr. Meeseeks or a Gear Head? There are tons of side characters in the Rick and Morty universe, find out which one aligns with who you are. Fill out this quiz to find out the key to your true personality.
If you could be a vegetable, which one would you choose?
Which human character do you relate to the most?
What would you be most excited to do if you had a portal gun?
Personality-wise, are you more of a Rick or a Morty?
What's your opinion on aliens?
Which of these inter-dimensional Mortys are the coolest?
Who's your favorite inter-dimensional Rick?
Which of these Rick and Morty villains is the worst?
What's your favorite inter-dimensional TV channel?
Pick a member to join your heist team:
You are Mr. Poopy Butthole
You are Mr. Poopy Butthole
According to your answers, the Rick and Morty side character you are most similar to is Mr. Poppybutthole. Mr. Poopybutthole is a long-time family friend of the Smith family. On his home planet he is a comic superstar and seeks refuge with the Smiths in order to live a discreet life. Personality-wise he is wild, cartoonish and a little annoying. His eyes are always wide open and he chooses to see the brighter side of life, kind of like you! He is very loyal to Rick, but if you wrong him, he will go dark. Click below to share your results.
You are Mr. Meeseeks
You are Mr. Meeseeks
According to your answers, the Rick and Morty side character you are most similar to is Mr. Meeseeks. Mr. Meeseeks is actually one of many people. He is a creature that has 1 purpose in life and will do anything he can to fullfill that purpose. You could say he is a very driven type of person. If a Meeseeks is not created for a specific purpose it will take on the purpose of the Meeseeks created before it. Meeseeks are always friendly, cheerful, and have a "can-do" attitude. If a Meeseeks spends too much time without fullilling their purpose, they will start to get moody. If they're not doing something or on the path to completing their purpose, they will get very angry. You are similar in that way - you have high goals for yourself and will stop at nothing to complete them. Click below to share your results.
You are Bird Person
You are Bird Person
According to your answers, the Rick and Morty side character you are most similar to is Bird Person. Bird Person is one of Rick's greatest friends and has known Morty since he was a baby. He ended his soul bond with his past partner and entered into a relationship with Summer's high school friend, Tammy. He is a humanoid with bird features and hails from a planet of another dimension. He has a calm, even-keeled attitude and acts from a deeply moral place. Kind of like you! Bird Person is known to stay loyal to his comrades and always has something deeply profound to say. Click below to share your results.
You are Abradolf Lincoler
You are Abradolf Lincoler
According to your answers, the Rick and Morty character you are most similar to is Abradolf Lincoler. Abradolf is, you guessed it, a cross between Adolf Hitler and Abraham Lincoln. The best and worse guy in the world. He is a humanoid experiment that combines the traits of the two most influential men in our history. He was created as a morally neutral super leader but ended up as an emotionally confused disaster. People who know Abradolf describe him as a bit of a crazy maniac. He believes that slaves should be freed, but also that certain genes are better than others. He's basically just a mess. One of his advantages though is that he is really good at seeing two sides of a situation and understand duality. Like Abradolf you find it easy to grasp these sorts of philosophical concepts. Click below to share your results.
What did you thin of this quiz?
What did you thin of this quiz?