Who Killed Who? The Ultimate Harry Potter Death Quiz
Who Killed Who? The Ultimate Harry Potter Death Quiz
You might think you know who died in Harry Potter, but do you know who did the dirty deed? Take this Harry Potter death quiz and test your knowledge!
You might think you know who died in Harry Potter, but do you know who did the dirty deed? Take this Harry Potter death quiz and test your knowledge!
1 / 10
Who killed "Nearly Headless Nick"?
2 / 10
Who killed Professor Quirrell?
3 / 10
Who killed "Moaning Myrtle"?
4 / 10
Who killed "Frank Bryce"?
5 / 10
Who killed "Edgar Bones"?
6 / 10
Who killed Cedric Diggory?
7 / 10
Who killed Pandora Lovegood?
8 / 10
Who killed Gideon Prewett?
9 / 10
Who killed Albus Dumbledore?
10 / 10
Who killed Nagini?
Questions left
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021