Will Your First Child Be A Boy or a Girl? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Will Your First Child Be A Boy or a Girl? Take This Quiz To Find Out
You've been wondering for years whether your first child will be a boy or a girl. Now you';l know for sure! Take this quiz and discover the results of your first pregnancy!
You've been wondering for years whether your first child will be a boy or a girl. Now you';l know for sure! Take this quiz and discover the results of your first pregnancy!

Pick a snack:
Are you prone to anxiety?
Did you have acne in high school?
Do you currently live with your partner?
Are you currently married?
How often do you have sex?
Do you generally struggle with your weight?
Is your partner older than you?
Your first child will be...A Girl!
Your first child will be...A Girl!
Congratulations...it's a girl. Stock up on dollies and paint the walls pink! Or whatever other gender neutral color you desire...
Your first child will be...A Boy!
Your first child will be...A Boy!
Congratulations! It's a boy! Better paint the walls blue and stock up on wind-up cars.