What Marvel Hero Are You?
What Marvel Hero Are You?
There are tons of heroes in the MCU, but which one are you?
There are tons of heroes in the MCU, but which one are you?

What do you find yourself doing on a normal day?
Boy or Girl????
What superpower would you like to have?
Favorite Foods???
Good, Evil, or Both?
What's your spirit animal???
Favorite color(s)???
Where would you prefer to live?
Black Widow
Black Widow
You like catch people's attention, even if it's just a trick. You are an independent girl who fights for good, and yourself.
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch
You may or may not have a brother, but you do have some cool powers! You have had a dark past, but try and work past it!
You are tough and you have a great sense of humor. Bring on the blue and yellow!
You love to jam out to your music and always up for an adventure. You like to do a little bit of good and a little bit of bad, just depending on your mood.
You might have an angry side, but it's ok! Green is in your nature, and you're lucky that you're smart, too!
You like to deceive people to get what you want, and you are very good at it. In an instant, you can change who you are to fit in.
Iron Man
Iron Man
Party time! You're a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. You are good natured and always laughing about your own joke.
You had a dark past, and you were raised to be someone you're not proud of. You also think it's rude to put sticks up peoples' butts.