Research Found That Only Bipolar People Scored 10/10 In This Knowledge Test
Research Found That Only Bipolar People Scored 10/10 In This Knowledge Test
"Honestly, Statistics Can Be Made To Prove Anything - Even The Truth."
"Honestly, Statistics Can Be Made To Prove Anything - Even The Truth."

The majority of the world population lives in...
The current world population is about ______.
Which of the following countries has the highest GDP?
How much of the world's population has at least some access to electricity?
How many girls finish primary school in low income countries?
What is the life expectancy of the world population?
Life expectancy is longer for _____ than it is for _____.
In the last 20 years, the proportion of people living in extreme poverty has _____.
Over the last hundred years, the number of deaths per year from natural disasters...
Over the next 100 years, the average temperature will:
You got a perfect score!! Your knowledge of facts & stats is remarkable. Only 2% of the population can pass this test, and you aced it. You are concerned with becoming and remaining well-informed. Your wide-ranging knowledge allows you to see problems before they occur and find creative solutions.
By the way, are you going on a hike or a trek anytime soon? Maybe planning your next deer hunt? We don't want to give you nightmares, but you should definitely read about the 10 most dangerous snakes before you head out. And of course, here are the most essential survival skills, and some tips on how to avoid ticks in the wild. We promise you'll thank us later.
You passed!!
You passed!!
You passed!! You’re phenomenally smart. People at your intelligence level are inquisitive, open-minded, and have sharp instincts. Are we spot-on? Share this quiz with everyone you know, and always remember: "Genius is patience."
By the way, are you going on a hike or a trek anytime soon? Maybe planning your next deer hunt? We don't want to give you nightmares, but you should definitely read about the 10 most dangerous snakes before you head out. And of course, here are the most essential survival skills, and some tips on how to avoid ticks in the wild. We promise you'll thank us later.
You really flunked this one... but no worries. Most people cannot get more than 3/10 correctly. You must be an abstract thinker. Are we spot-on? Share this quiz with everyone you know, and always remember: "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
By the way, are you going on a hike or a trek anytime soon? Maybe planning your next deer hunt? We don't want to give you nightmares, but you should definitely read about the 10 most dangerous snakes before you head out. And of course, here are the most essential survival skills, and some tips on how to avoid ticks in the wild. We promise you'll thank us later.
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