Which Austin Swimming Hole Should You Go To?

It's officially summer therefore most of your time should be spent under the sun and of course in water!!!

Jayelyn Jackson
Created by Jayelyn Jackson(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 28, 2015

What is your favorite color?

What's your major?

Quick! You just got into a car accident! Who is the first person you call?

Favorite "slang" word?

Pick a cartoon.

What type of body of water do you prefer?

Favorite treats to eat/drink when it's super hot outside?

Favorite sport?

You Should Visit Barton Springs

You Should Visit Barton Springs

You're definitely looking for a more relaxed place to chill with friends, so Barton Springs is the way to go!. It's swimming area is Iconic to Austinites and the prefect place to relax after a long day of work.

You Should Visit Hamilton Pool

You Should Visit Hamilton Pool

You seem to be big on scenery so Hamilton Pool is the place to be. It's clear water makes swimming irresistible. Just in case you're not in the mood to swim then sit back, relax and gaze upon the beautiful waterfall!

You Shoulld Visit Hippie Hollow

You Shoulld Visit Hippie Hollow

You're definitely a free spirt so you should visit Hippie Hollow. . Oh, and did we mention it's a nude beach! Go there with a couple of friends and let it all hang out....LITTERALY!

You should Visit Jacob's Well

You should Visit Jacob's Well

Since you're the adventurous type, Jacob's Well is perfect for you! This unique swimming hole is perfect for jumping off rocks and splashing right into summer. Be careful though--there's no bottom!

You Should Visit Krause Springs

You Should Visit Krause Springs

You're the type to relax and become one with nature so Krause Springs is perfect for you. It's views are absolutely breathtaking and a great place to go to get your mind off things!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021